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TU Delft Ideation Contest

If you are in search of a challenging internship, job, or traineeship with one of our partners, check out the following vacancies.

(Project) Engineer
As an Engineer at TWD you design unique structural and mechanical installation tools for a wide variety of on- and offshore construction projects. Each design is a team effort: to translate the client requirements into a functional design, you participate in brain-storm sessions, make sketches and hand calculations and elaborate these concepts into detailed calculation models and 3D visualizations. The impact of your creativity on a contractor’s installation project is significant, which challenges you and your team on a daily base. The fast-paced projects require your involvement from design to construction, which provides a quick and satisfying reward for your team efforts.
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Werken bij V.O.
V.O. is een van de grootste octrooi- en merkenkantoren van Europa. Meer dan 200 deskundige en gedreven medewerkers zetten zich dagelijks in om de waarde van de intellectuele eigendom (IE) van onze klanten te maximaliseren. Regelmatig zijn we op zoek naar nieuwe collega’s, kijk voor de vacatures via onderstaande knop.
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